Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm Siiiiick...

And I just wanted to vent about it. Feel bad for me, readers, and say prayers for a speedy recovery. My mom was sick last night too, and we haven't figured out the cause. In Cusco, there are so many potential causes of sickness...argh.

On another unfortunate note, my parents are off to the US tomorrow in the early morning. It will be sad to see them go, but I'm glad that they'll be returning to a place where sickness is less of a constant fear! It was such an absolute joy having them here. I'm very blessed to have parents who love me enough to come visit me in a place that would probably never have otherwise made their list of top destinations, AND where they have no knowledge of the language! I think they've come to appreciate the joys of Peru, and they have definitely been a taste of home that I'd been longing for.

More, and hopefully happier, updates soon!


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