That is probably my most ridiculous blog entry title to date, but I thought that by referencing the three things I wanted to mention, I might actually manage to stay more on task than usual. Obviously, staying on task isn't exactly one of my personal talents, but I only have half an hour before I have to go and complete a bit of ProWorld business, so I am forced to avoid my normal tendency toward digression. :-) With that in mind, I offer what I hope will be a succinct and informative bit of blogness.
Homesickness. I feel it. Cusco has gone a little cuckoo these last few days, and the city has been rainy and muddy and gloomy. I am normally not one to judge rain too harshly. On the contrary, I like to embrace it, with a book and a cup of tea, from some cozy nook inside of my house. Ideally near a fireplace. Sadly, in Cusco, my apartment is not only devoid of "cozy nooks," but also FRIGID and the rain seems to make it more so. And there is no fireplace in sight. And when the weather isn't exactly beautiful, it's much easier to fall into a bout of homesickness, and to long for beautiful Friends Lake, and Scrabble games, and music around a campfire, and the ones I love most. So, while I like to always put on a happy face, I would like to announce that I am homesick. Still maintaining my inner joy, but definitely homesick. New Jersey is going to get a lot of love from me upon my return!
"A thankful heart is a happy heart." Not only does this come straight from the title of a "Veggie Tales" video, but also straight from the B-I-B-L-E. And it's oh so true. This morning, I was thinking about my college days (long, long ago) and the gratitude journal that I liked to keep during that time. Each night, I would spend a few minutes writing down the people and things for which I was particularly grateful that day. It's an exercise that I think I'd like to begin again, and to start it off, here are some of the gifts for which I am especially thankful today... for my roommate, Laura; for safe water to drink; for good bread; for a bed to sleep in; for Meredith, one of the interns here who always makes me smile; for my friend Matt Taylor; for the church I have found here in Cusco; for hot tea; for my body's strength and flexibility; for my friend Jayme; for the opportunity for my parents to relax at the lake; for a home wonderful enough to make me as homesick as I am; for the promise of sunshine; for the power of prayer; for happiness-producing e-mails; for chubby babies; for difficult times that cause important personal growth.
That's just a start, but I'm already excited at the prospect of reading over this list and being reminded of the many blessings God has given me. Are any of you readers feeling discouraged or lonely? I encourage you to make your own list! And if you want to share it with me, I'd love to read it!
Finally, being a house. At church this morning, we read about living lives that are not carnal, but spiritual. It's kind of neat to think that not only has God prepared a place for us in heaven, but also that we are meant to prepare our bodies as a house for Him during our lives here on earth. I know we've all heard the saying, "Your body is a temple," but if it's really true, do we really treat our bodies that way? I mean, if we really view our bodies as houses for GOD, the One who made us and gave us eternal life, then we probably all need to make some changes! These changes can be as superficial as the things we eat and the things we wear, and as profound as the way we speak to others, or the time we take to think before acting out of anger or pride. I know that there are times when I eat gluttonously, and times when I pull the steering wheel out of God's hands and try to set the course for my life, but I think that it might help in the future to remind myself that my body really and truly is a temple. And not just any temple, but a temple for God. Pretty awesome!
Well, folks, I hope I haven't digressed too much. I'm thinking that perhaps I stayed on task because it's 6:24 and I still have six minutes until my designated completion time of 6:30. WOOT. I hope that you all had a restful Sunday!
Love love love from Peru!
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